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My First Pair of Custom-Made Havaianas

Make Your Own Havaianas 2014

I only found out last weekend about this yearly Make Your Own Havaianas event where you get to have a hand in designing your pair (or pairs) of Havaianas.

Although I usually wouldn’t care for a new pair of flip-flops (as they are now fancily called), the idea of having it custom-made sounded fun. So I went with my sister and her family to catch the last few hours of Make Your Own Havaianas 2014 exhibit at the activity center of Glorietta Mall in Makati.

Make Your Own Havaianas 2014 Continue reading

Give Yourself a Deadline

With how contemplative things are going this Lenten season, I thought of sharing an important lesson I recently learned. If you are currently at life’s crossroads in which a decision has to be made soon, this may help you put things in proper perspective.


I have come to terms with myself that reckoning with a cumbersome situation longer than I should have is one big regret. When it started to become a problem, I thought staying strong and waiting for conditions to improve were the best solutions. I expected things would turn out to be better sooner or later. Unfortunately, it went from bad to worse and it only turned out to be a disappointment, making me realize that I should have walked out of it years ago.

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Help Me Win Tickets to ‘Cesar Millan: Live in Manila’

Shameless plugging. Haha! I rarely join online contests, but here goes…

Music Management International is currently running the Cesar Millan “Coolest Dog” Photo Contest for a chance to win tickets to Cesar Millan: Live in Manila happening on April 29 at Eastwood Central Plaza.

If it’s not too much to ask, please vote for my furkids’ photo. 🙂 THANK YOU!

Click here to vote for “Survival of the Fittest. The Woofing Dead.”

"Survival of the Fittest. The Woofing Dead." featuring Austin, Timothy and Mindy

“Survival of the Fittest. The Woofing Dead.” featuring Austin, Timothy and Mindy

Thanks to my friend, Monika, for introducing me to this online contest. I promised her I’ll take her with me should I win the tickets! Hehe!