Give Yourself a Deadline

With how contemplative things are going this Lenten season, I thought of sharing an important lesson I recently learned. If you are currently at life’s crossroads in which a decision has to be made soon, this may help you put things in proper perspective.


I have come to terms with myself that reckoning with a cumbersome situation longer than I should have is one big regret. When it started to become a problem, I thought staying strong and waiting for conditions to improve were the best solutions. I expected things would turn out to be better sooner or later. Unfortunately, it went from bad to worse and it only turned out to be a disappointment, making me realize that I should have walked out of it years ago.

Although being strong and not giving up easily in the face of hardships is, to an extent the right thing to do, I overlooked the fault of not setting a deadline as to how long I was willing to give it a chance. I held on to the possibility of seeing better days too much that I failed to recognize that it can not go toward the direction I hope it would.

As it sets a time frame for how long or short you are willing to work to achieve your goals and heart’s greatest desires, a deadline is also a point by which you consciously decide to stop enduring something that causes you displeasure and anxiety while hoping that it fixes itself through time.

You owe it to yourself to have a deadline. It marks an end, but it also paves the way to a new beginning.

So if you are going through tough times at this point in your life, which calls for you to make a decision, reflect on it, pray for guidance and clarity of mind, and then set a deadline for you to make the decision.

And remember, If you are you to give something (or someone) a chance, be certain that it will not compromise your own happiness.

I’ve learned over decades of building that a deadline is a potent tool for problem-solving.

—Adam Savage

Have a blessed Holy Week and may it be an avenue for you to find new meaning to life!

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